Emotional Regulation

Emotional Regulation

Emotional Regulation What is emotional regulation and why is it important?  As humans, we all need to be able to regulate ourselves. Our body regulates some of our systems automatically; the autonomic nervous system regulates our breathing, heart rate, and digestion...
Why Routine is More Important Now Than Ever Before

Why Routine is More Important Now Than Ever Before

Why Routine is More Important Now Than Ever Before In recent weeks, our world has changed beyond what we would have imagined when thinking about our plans for 2020. When making our new year’s resolutions, it’s unlikely that many of us planned to be staying at home for...
Developing A Child’s Pincer Grasp

Developing A Child’s Pincer Grasp

Is your child struggling to pick up small items from the floor, pick up food from their plate, hold and move a toothbrush or a pencil for writing, then this could be down to poor pincer grasp. I work with children daily who require my input to develop their pincer...
Sensory Profile Assessment and Analysis

Sensory Profile Assessment and Analysis

The Sensory Profile 2 standardised assessments can be administered from birth through to 14 years 11 months. There are various assessment forms for each age range and includes a school companion questionnaire. The Sensory Profile 2 aims to evaluate sensory processing...

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